, pub-1464565844894992, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Low Carb Kitchen: Diet Loss Update and What Im doing Now


Monday, October 26, 2015

Diet Loss Update and What Im doing Now

Wii Fit
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Ok so its been alittle over a month and just as I stated in my last post the weight loss has slowed a lot. That being said, I still managed to lose ten more since then so total weight loss is 85 lbs. So I am happy with that. Now I did feel the weightloss slowing down, and so decided it was time to approach exercise. It is sad to say but when you're grossly over weight, exercise hurts so much that doing anything for longer than ten minutes at a time is grueling and the payback over the next week is a little slice of Hell.

Naturally thin people love to tell overweight people, "oh you don't exercise, you're lazy, if you just move more and exercise you'll lose weight..." I'd love to strap an extra 100 lbs. on their body and lets see how much exercise they do before they collapse and give in to the's always the ones too, that have never had a weight problem that seem to believe they know what they are talking about. I'd better stop right here, because that is a pet peeve of mine and so I will bite my tongue..I'm sure it's low carb..right? Yuk Yuk Yuk..

I have always believed when you're a 100 plus pounds overweight, you must first lose weight, then start the exercise. Reasons are : Less painful the lighter you are, thus chances of you sticking to the exercise are better, and since you are moving with less on your body you're likely to feel really excited and encouraged to discover you actually can move, and move much faster!! That makes for a great bit of incentive and so far for me, it has kept me going.

So now that I can finally move some, I try to walk 1 and 1/2 miles every evening and/or do 30 minutes of some aerobic exercises with my Wii Fit Plus.  If you don't have a Wii Fit, they are really inexpensive and the system is wonderful for keeping you on track. It weighs you, evaluates things like your balance, give you helpful hints and tips on how to improve your overall health and gives you different levels of exercise according to what your fitness level may be. It is a lot of fun too.

Wii Fit Plus offers up Yoga training, A variety of Aerobic exercises, strength training, etc. It's great especially when weather is bad. Its like having your own little gym at home and it keeps track of the minutes you spend exercising, your score on each activity, and the calories you burned. Its just awesome and I use mine every day.
Interested in doing Wii fit too? Check out the prices here on Amazon. I think they are well worth it!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you... I have been trying to look at the Wii bundles because I am interested in the yoga.. but not to sound like a freaking dumb ass.. I do not understand everything I need. I surely do not have $300 to invest... can you share exactly what is needed to get set up with a wii fit plus bundle.. Meaning I have seen console, than different bundles that include a board and such...


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