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Showing posts with label Food and Related Products. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food and Related Products. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Recipe for Low sugar fruit spread

English: Strawberry jam on a plate. Português:...
English: Strawberry jam on a plate. Português: Doce de morango. Svenska: Jordgubbsmarmelad. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is a great gift for those watching the carb intake and for the holidays.

  • 6 cups chopped, diced or frozen fruit
  • 1 envelope unflavored jello
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2-3 teaspoons sweetener (do a taste test after adding 2 tsp)


  • In a large saucepan over medium heat, add a little water and simmer fruit until well softened. fruit to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer until fruit content is reduced to about 2 cups, if you are using frozen fruit simmer for 35 to 40 minutes.
  • In a small bowl, mix gelatin with vanilla and 2 tablespoons of the hot fruit, stirring until gelatin is dissolved. Stir into remaining fruit, mixing well. Stir in sweetener to taste. Pour into clean decorative canning jars, and chill in the refrigerator for around 4 hours until ready to use.

    Tip: Play around with various frozen fruits and combinations to come up with unique and special fruit spreads. The possibilities are endless.
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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Nutrisystem update: Couldn't do it

English: A chocolate chip granola bar made by ...English: A chocolate chip granola bar made by Quaker Oats. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I thought I'd be able to make some headway with Nutri system but after a few weeks I  had to give it up. There were just too many unanswered questions and yes you can go online and ask others, or get support but the bottom line is, as much as I would have loved for this to have worked it was just too much trouble. It is no where near as "simple" or "easy" as the ads on television proclaim. Here is what I hated about being on Nutri system:

1. The food was awful. Yeah- you may hear a lot of people say the food is good, but I'd love to know what food they are used to.  The food just tasted horrible. There were a few things that were ok, but more of the food was lacking than satisfying. The breakfast bars are ok, the desserts are ok. However most of the canned heat in the microwave stuff was no better than anything else you've ever eaten that was processed or dehydrated or?

2. Hungry, hungry, hungry. I starved. The portions were tiny, adequate for any 4 to 6 year old but for an adult it left me feeling hungry, even with adding a salad here and there. The portions are no larger than your hand.  Lengthwise or depth wise.  Your entree is literally a little white bowl that is oval shaped. I doubt there is more than a 1/2 cup of food in each container. The other reason I was hungry is because there is just not enough meat/protein in this diet.

3. Food is high in sodium. You'd think with all that salt that is in these prepackaged processed products that they'd at least have some flavor, but you can't even taste the salt, which means you end up adding salt, which in turn means you are really begging for high blood pressure.

4. Bad labeling, not enough clarity. Ok, its day one, you have the shake and your crummy little packet of cereal. Yippee, sounds simple. However, it gets real confusing when you see an item marked "lunch" and its only a small granola type bar. Seriously? This is it?
So then dinner rolls around and you have your tiny entree marked "dinner" and  you get a "dessert" which is usually a small granola type bar, or a tiny packet of crackers, or a muffin. Then you read the book and it tells you to add 1 carb this, or 2 proteins of that..its all too confusing, you pay that much for the food and then you have to eat additional foods with it but they don't really make it easy or clear, because then they say if your are more than 100 lbs overweight to add an extra carb to your lunch or dinner.

So wait...I add one, then if I am really fat I add more? So I am adding more of my own food than what they are supplying and guess what even with all of that confusion at the end of the day I am still hungry because carbs don't fill you up. Why can't you add additional protein?

After a while you just realize this plan just doesn't make sense. I don't want to spend all day researching online on the Nutri System website what I am doing wrong. I spent a good deal of money on a product that promised ease, results, great flavor and flexibility. What I got was confusion, hunger, and too many variables and food I had to add to the diet plan.
Why not just eat my own food? It seems it is mainly about portion control any way, and protein control in my book. Great if you want to try out being a vegetarian.

I can just re-use the tiny containers and put my own food in them. At least I know it would have tasted good. The only things in their program that would be good to have on hand is the protein shakes, granola bars, cookies and muffins, however I suspect you can find similar items to them in the supermarket. The other food they can keep! Those celebrities are lying their butts off if they say this food tastes good. Most of it is not tasty, you only eat it because as I said before YOU'RE STARVING.
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Monday, May 16, 2011

Low carb yourself thin

A box of Diet Rite.Image via Wikipedia


Start off with little changes. No diet is successful if you can't follow it. Just make small changes, drink more water, and sugared sodas are a no no, I have gotten used to Diet Rite soda, is has nothing in it, and you can get used to them rather quickly. Avoid sugar, there are substitutes out there, I like Splenda but there are many out there now.
Read more here: Low carb Yourself Thin

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