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Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Walking: Will it help you on your weight loss journey?

An example of walking in sandals.
An example of walking in sandals. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
While some would argue that as a weight loss strategy walking does little to burn significant calories, I'd have to say they may be overlooking the big picture. The big picture is that walking should not be just about weight. It also is about improving your stamina, building your metabolism and getting your heart pumping so that in time you'll be able to do more, and that includes extra exercises that burn more calories.

We've all got to start some where and for those that are morbidly obese, walking is a great first step-no pun intended. Most people even those 100 lbs overweight can manage a short walk every day or every other day. The idea is to get started.  Small brisk walks are easier on the joints, and wont cause the same level of pain jogging, or other strenuous exercises cause and this is key. No one will keep up a regime if it hurts. Period.

So remember, starting somewhere, even short walks to the end of your neighborhood street and back is better than sitting at home and looking out the window or spending all of your free time on the internet. The worst thing you can do is settle into  a sitting routine. Whether its in front of the television set or computer, it's a bad habit, and will let the weight pile on.  So, with that, I gotta get off this computer, and go find something that keeps me moving. You do the same.  Keep on moving, and don't give up! Remember weight loss should never just be about what a scale says, it should be about health..

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Garden Veggie Omelet

Garden Vegetable Omelet
©2013 Dawn Gagnon Photography

If there is one meal of the day that we need to make sure is satisfying, healthy and filling it would have to be breakfast. Most successful weight losses experienced by dieters happen when they incorporate a healthy breakfast into their diet. Of all meals you may think you can skip, breakfast shouldn't be one.
Now the challenge:  a hearty breakfast that is healthy and wont blow your low carb efforts out of the water or your healthy diet.

1 cup of Original Liquid Eggs or Egg substitute
2 cups of greens, you can use baby spinach, collards, turnip greens or mustard its your choice
(shredded collards were used in the photograph above)
2 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes
Dash of natural sea salt, or Himalayan Pink Salt
1/2 tsp ground pepper
1 slice of tomato halved
2 small slices sharp cheddar cheese

In a sauce pan, warm up olive oil, add in red pepper flakes and greens and saute until greens are wilted but bright green. Add in Eggs and slowly cook being sure to take a spatula and pull the sides in around the omelet to allow uncooked egg to make contact with pan. When omelet is almost solid, cover with a glass lid and take off the heat to let the top continue cooking. Add back to the heat add seasonings, tomato and cheese, slide from pan onto plate and be sure to fold over. Let rest for a few minutes to allow for the cheese to melt.
This omelet has around 150-200 total calories, and only about 8 grams of carbs. We like that!!

If you like regular recipes that aren't low carb, check out: Recipes from a Southern Kitchen.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

6 foods you and your family need to eat often

Garlic spinachGarlic spinach (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Many of us have become with Dr. Oz through the years and know that he is always giving us great recipes, advice and information on how to take better care of our bodies. This list is a few things he says we need every day.
  1. Garlic- What's not to love about garlic? In addition to the wonderful flavor it imparts on so many of our favorite dishes, garlic is used the world over for it's medicinal properties. Garlic is a natural antibiotic, fights high cholesterol and high blood pressure, and has cancer fighting abilities as well. 
  2. Tomatoes and/or paste- You want to  aim for at least 10 tablespoons a week.  Beware many commercially prepared sauces have excess preservatives, sugars and additives that you do not need. Ideally the best sauce is the ones that have had the least amount of processing. Look for sauces and pastes that are 100% USDA organic, certified Kosher, and Vegan which means it will be gluten free.
  3. Olive Oil- Olive oil  should be kept in a dark bottle/container in your refrigerator.
    Do not fry foods in Olive oil as the heated oil loses any benefits you may want to gleam from it. Olive oil should be used and treated as a condiment and used to flavor foods that are already cooked or raw. Instead of cooking food in Olive oil, choose another healthy cooking oil.
  4. Spinach- How many ways is spinach healthy, let me count the ways..just be sure you've got nothing better to do for the rest of the day. That's because spinach is considered a super food and with good reason. Here are just a few things to know about spinach and why you should have it as often as possible.  Spinach is full of Flavonoids -- a phytonutrient that has anti-cancer properties.  These phytonutrients have been shown to slow down cell division in the stomach and in skin cancer cells. And for the fellows out there spinach has proven to be a  significant guard against aggressive prostate cancer. The list goes on to show that spinach is helpful with inflammation, lowers blood pressure, eye sight issues related to age like macular degeneration, and cataracts. The high levels of vitamin A also help with all sorts of skin maladies including wrinkles, acne and other things that rob us of our youthful appearance.
  5. Almonds- Always opt for raw unroasted Almonds. Roasted nuts are heat damaged and the nutritive and healthy attributes are thereby damaged. Always keep your raw Almonds and nuts  in the refrigerator to ensure freshness. Almonds are great for your heart, prevention of prostate cancer, blood sugar issues, inflammation, lowering cholesterol, and more.
  6. Pomegranate- Pomegranate juice is a natural source of polyphenols and other antioxidants including tannins and anthocyanidins. These antioxidants guard against the damaging effects of free radicals, unstable molecules that attack cells and may lead to numerous health concerns and premature aging.

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    Sunday, May 20, 2012

    Low carb tuna burgers

    Tuna Fish cuisine of the Mahl people.Tuna Fish cuisine of the Mahl people. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    Makes 4 servings

        1 cup tuna flaked cooked
        2 tablespoons  minced celery                                      
        1 tablespoon sweet pickles chopped or pickle relish            
        1 tablespoon onions minced                                     
        1/2 teaspoon lemon juice fresh or to taste                     
        Freshly ground pepper to taste                                 
        2 to 3 tablespoons mayonnaise real                             
        Butter or margarine                                            
        2 slices of low carb bread or whole wheat high fiber hamburger buns         
        4 slices bacon                                                 
        4 slices American cheese or cheese of your choice              

    Combine fish, celery, sweet pickle or relish, onion, lemon juice, pepper, and enough mayonnaise to moisten. Lightly toast and butter bun or English muffin halves and spread with fish mixture. Cut bacon slices in half and partially fry to remove most of fat. Top each fish mixture with a slice of cheese and 2 bacon strips. Broil 5 inches from heat for 4 minutes or until cheese melts and bacon crisps.
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    Monday, May 14, 2012

    Grapefruit Slushie Recipe

    Grapefruit slushy
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    There are so many health benefits to eating grapefruit. If you're  not having at least a few a week you are really cheating yourself and your diet out of some great benefits. Take a look:

    WARNING: If you are on medication that lowers cholesterol ie: statins, check with your doctor before consuming grapefruit or grapefruit juice. Grapefruit does not mix well with certain statin medications and can have serious health implications if taken together.

    1. Grapefruit is low in calories - One whole grapefruit is only about 80 calories
    2. Grapefruit is low in sodium
    3. High in Potassium
    4. High in Vitamin C
    5. Full of fat burning Enzymes
    6. No fat

    Now that is just a small list, there are some amazing studies that have named Grapefruit as one of the most healthiest fruits you can eat. But for now, here's a simple recipe for a Super healthy Grapefruit slushy, perfect for breakfast, as a snack, or an alternative to dessert. Important note, you'll need a powerful blender for best results. See a product review on Product Dudz about the new Ninja Master Prep Professional Blender. 

    Grapefruit Slushie

    One large grapefruit
    1/4 cup of sweetener, (I recommend using either Stevia in the raw or Truvia)
    25 ice cubes
    This can serve up to four people depending on what size glass you use.

    1. Halve one grapefruit and squeeze juice into blender. Make sure your blender is capable of crushing ice very well. If your blender isn't great at crushing ice, use ice that has already been crushed if you have it on hand.

    2. Once you have juiced the grapefruit, peel and add any remaining pulp to the blender. I never throw away the pulp, its where the fiber is and why waste it. You'll also get any remaining juice from it too.

    3. Pulse. At this stage I like to give the blender a few good pulses to get the juice and remaining pulp pieces well blended.

    4. Add in 1/4 of Stevia in the Raw,  or Truvia. Pulse a few more times to get it mixed in well.

    5. Add in 25 (yes I counted them) 25 ice cubes and begin pulsing until ice has been completely crushed to snow like consistency. The slushy should look pink at this point and be somewhat thick.

    6. Serve.  Pour or scoop into glasses and serve with a straw. You can add a little sprig of mint for garnish.

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    Monday, April 30, 2012

    Is the exercise and health industry forgetting the obese?

    If you are over 250 lbs. you have no doubt been frustrated by the lack of exercise equipment out there that can withstand your weight capacity. A quick research over many online sites offering exercise equipment shows on average the maximum weight capacity for many exercise equipment to be no more than 250 lbs. It seems pretty clear the health and fitness industry has forgotten those who really need the most help. With so many needing exercise help, it is befuddling and amazing that more companies that manufacture equipment haven't raised the bar a little and made exercise equipment for those needing it the most. Here is a list of some exercise equipment that may be able to help if you weigh more than 250 lbs.

    Stamina 55-1610 InMotion E1000 Elliptical Trainer

    This item is currently offered on and is reasonably priced at under $90.00 While it does not say in the description of this item what the weight capacity is, research of the online customer reviews turned up that a 280 lb customer was able to use this item. What is great about this particular piece of equipment is that it is small and easy to store in sharp contrast to many other elliptical type exercise equipment. If you live in a place with limited space this item may be a perfect fit. With over 500 customer reviews giving this item a solid 4 stars out of 5, I'd say it's worth checking out. Click on the image to purchase.

    Marcy Recumbent Mag Cycle


    This item also doesn't state that it has a specific weight capacity, but here again, a customer review stated weighing 400 lbs. and used this item with no problems. The Marcy magnetic recumbent exercise bike has a few features that are worth taking into consideration. The bike offers eight levels of preset resistance, an adjustable tension knob that adjusts to your personal fitness level. It has a  large console display,tracks your speed, distance, time, and calories burned which is great for those of us on a schedule. The manufacturer states the bike is comfortable and supportive, with a recumbent step through frame for easy mounting, a great feature for those of us larger than 250 lbs. The bike also sports a dismountable and adjustable seat that accommodates different body types and sizes. The recumbent frame is great for those who find most upright bikes uncomfortable to sit on and also may be a great solution for those with other physical limitations. 267 customers gave this item a solid 4 stars out of 5 rating on Amazon and at only $149.00 and free shipping it sounds like a great item for the 250lb. and over people. If you are interested in this item click on the image to be brought to the Amazon page.

    Ab-Doer Twist Abdominal Trainer



    This machine has a maximum weight capacity at 300 lbs. so a little better for the larger folks. The manufacturers state that you can tone muscles and receive an effective aerobic workout from a seated position with the Ab-Doer Twist. The manufacturer also claims this item is easy to use, requiring the user to just sit down on the device and your body will automatically be positioned in an anatomically correct (and stable) position.
    The machine allows you to move in a swivel like motion and in so doing, helps eliminate excess fat from your abdominal muscles and your obliques while also targeting other "metabolically active" muscles in your inner and outer thighs, hips, and buttocks. Wow that sounds like it covers most problem areas.
    The manufacturer also claims that  The Ab-Doer Twist's state-of-the-art torsion flex technology activates a wide range of muscles groups. Because you're properly aligned and supported with this items design, you'll use these muscles effectively, with less stress and less pain. 63 customers gave this item a 3.5 star out of a possible 5 star rating. It's cost is $135.99 and may be ideal for those that have problems standing for a long period of time. If you think this may help you at your current weight, click the link and research this possible option for exercise.

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    Sunday, February 19, 2012

    Dieting: Keeping it real

    A Marine of the United States Marine Corps run...Image via WikipediaDieting is a drag. Let's face it. It's all about self denial and sacrifice. However in proper perspective, it can be about alternatives, and healthy options. Either way, it is a commitment for life. This is the difficult part of the process.

    How do we as consumers make such a strong commitment to ourselves when so often even making a commitment to pay a bill, stay in a relationship, or keep a promise can be so very hard? The easy answer is, well there is no easy answer.

    Small changes
    There are steps, small steps. I always find in my own health journey, that making small changes are a lot easier for me to handle than trying to make big changes all at once. If you break a small change you feel small guilt, but commit to do better. If you break big changes, you feel defeated, and like a huge failure.

    Almost as dreadful as the act of dieting is the act of having to  exercise, especially for an obese person. Why? Exercising hurts. Again, making a small change may be the answer. Walk a half mile every day? Or every other day? Eventually you will walk a full mile, then ?? Another alternative for those that need to lose before you can walk is to invest in simple exercise machines like Shake Weights, which can be used in the privacy of your own home and help you to work out your upper body.  It's about a small commitment to move more. Lets say we don't measure the distance, but commit to 15 minutes of brisk walking? The idea is to do what you are comfortable with. As you become acclimated to the idea, you will no doubt raise your own bar in time.

    Drink more water
    It seems so simple, but for many people dealing with health issues there is a lot of dehydration at the root of it. Water cleanses the body, provides hydration and adding lemon juice is said to help rid the body of toxins and help with digestion as well.

    Keeping a journal
    For some people writing is good therapy. For a dieter it may be just the visual aid needed to help them see where all the calories, fat and extra weight is coming from. By keeping track of what you are putting in your body you can at least gain some understanding. When you begin to keep your diet journal do so at least a month before you begin your diet journey. This way you can keep track of every bite, and become more aware of what you are doing, when you are doing it and it will all paint the profile you need to see where to make changes.

    Treating yourself
    Dieting is not just physically hard but it is psychologically hard on you as well. The hard work takes a long time to start paying off and treating yourself to a monthly treat may be the very thing that keeps your mind and body from becoming overwhelmed. Just remember once a month only. Once you start slipping and going off the beaten track it takes very little to undo what you've accomplished. Remember, dieting is a lifelong commitment.

    Setting realistic goals for yourself is a key part of the commitment you make to your health. Goals that are too ambitious too soon may end up being abandoned. Instead place realistic goals on yourself that you know you can do. Besides, goals can change as your success becomes apparent. You can always raise the bar in your fitness journey. The idea is to never give up on yourself.

    Doctor visits
    We all hate going to a doctor, but at some point we all have to. Not only that, but if we are struggling with obesity, its important that we consult with a doctor to come up with a plan for our health. Doctors can keep an eye on your weight, blood pressure, sugar levels and advise you on additional steps you can take including detoxing, and other alternatives.

    The run down:

    1. Small changes
    2. Exercise
    3. Drink water
    4. Keep a journal
    5. One treat/cheat once a month
    6. Set a goal
    7. See a doctor regularly

    Good luck in your journey, keep it real, keep it realistic and keep it going!

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    Tuesday, August 30, 2011

    When your low carb diet quits working


    Low carb diets are great, however like any diet, they have their faults and drawbacks..part of this is usually dieter error. Many low carbers start off with a bang and then hit a plateau that they can't seem to breach. There culprit may simply be in the form of that horrible " F " word,.... FAT.

    Since most low carb diets are low in carbohydrates and a little higher in fats, it is easy to go too far with the so called low carb foods that have too much fat. These might be in the from of creams, cheeses, butter, sauces that are milk and cream based..while these add in items to many recipes may be low in carbs, too much of these good things can start coming back to bite you.

    So what is the new strategy to override this oversight? Well keep in mind at all times, fat makes you fat. Low carb is a great way to jump start weight loss and low carbing is particularly great for diabetics, but when you hit that dreaded plateau, it is time to review your diet list of acceptable items and make changes, the human body is a wise old soul and it catches on to even the best thought out diet.

    Low carb flies under the body's natural survival mode for a while and fools the body into burning fats in the diet for energy. However over time, low carbers tend to become so fixated on low carb they over do it on fats, especially animal fats.

    This image shows a display of healthy foods on...This image shows a display of healthy foods on a table. Foods include beans, grains, cauliflour, cantelope, pasta, bread, orange, turkey, salmon, carrots, turnips, zucchini, snowpeas, string beans, radishes, asparagus, summer squash, lean beef, tomatoes, and potatoes. AV Number: AV-8812-3430 Reuse Restrictions: None - This image is in the public domain and can be freely reused. Please credit the source and/or author listed above. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    If you have hit a plateau, keep it simple, revise your diet by keeping your meats lean and increasing your intake of veggies, especially the leafy greens. Eat as much negative calorie foods as your hearts desire, because no diet works if you feel hungry all the time while you're on it. If you are using low carb pasta, make sure you do not eat the left over pasta because low carb pasta reverts back into regular pasta after it has sat around in liquids or is over cooked which releases the starchy glutens. its kind of like Cinderella, after midnight, it turns back to its former self.

    If you are a diabetic it is imperative that you become a student of the disease. Do not make up your own rules as you go. You can not say, on the weekends I will allow myself to go off my diet and have whatever I like. Why can't a diabetic do this? Because you are a diabetic 24/7 (weekends included). What does this mean? Those regular slips in diet protocol for a diabetic could cause the body to adjust and respond negatively. The body will literally "figure out" that it is deprived during the week, and work harder to store fat on the weekends when it is getting it.

    Weight and height are used in computing body m...Image via Wikipedia

    So what is a low carber or diabetic to do? Well, let yourself have random treats on occasion with no set time or schedule, this keeps the body guessing. The key factor is, these random treats have to be the smallest portion you can have, have a few tablespoons of mac and cheese, not two cups, have one or two cookies, not a half of a bag...if you can't be disciplined with this random treat idea, don't even start it, because letting up on yourself on a regular basis isn't really dieting at all.

    This random treat idea also should never ever be done when you are a newbie at low carbing or just found out you have diabetes. This is for the tried and true dieter that actually knows how to show discipline and control and is experienced at maintaining their weight.

    It takes time to know your body. You have to be strict and learn what will spike your sugar levels and avoid these foods. Don't make up your own rules, slipping up on your diet when you are a diabetic might have dangerous health consequences..just sayin...oh and did I mention exercise? Yeah, that too can offset a plateau as well.

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    Thursday, May 26, 2011

    7 Myths of Dieting

    South Beach Diet cookiesImage by roboppy via Flickr
    Remember, there's no one-size-fits-solution to weight loss. Now that you know what doesn't work, the next step is to figure out what does.
    Start by getting expert advice on choosing a diet plan, then read nearly two dozen popular diet reviews. After you have a diet picked out, visit the Diet & Weight Loss Learning Center to get lots of tips on ways to stick to it so you reach your ultimate weight and fitness goals.

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    Monday, May 16, 2011

    Low carb yourself thin

    A box of Diet Rite.Image via Wikipedia


    Start off with little changes. No diet is successful if you can't follow it. Just make small changes, drink more water, and sugared sodas are a no no, I have gotten used to Diet Rite soda, is has nothing in it, and you can get used to them rather quickly. Avoid sugar, there are substitutes out there, I like Splenda but there are many out there now.
    Read more here: Low carb Yourself Thin

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    Monday, March 15, 2010

    Getting your family slimmer on a low carb plan

    Example of an American grocery store aisle.Image via WikipediaFruits and Veggies need to be a mainstay in your home for optimum health and weight management

    Southern cuisine is probably one of the worst diets to succumb to. Fried foods, rich and starchy, and decadent desserts are firmly inserted into the southern lifestyle. However many other cultures have diets that cater to a less than ideal pallet as well. Low carbohydrates in a diet will improve your overall health and weight provided you become properly educated on it. The truth is, you have to do a number of things to get your family eating healthier and looking better. Low carbohydrate consumption can get you there, but its not the only thing to do. This way of life is great for diabetics and those who have diabetes in the family. Low carbohydrates are not enough, you have to watch proportions, and caloric intake still. Otherwise you will end up where you started.

    Water works- Cut out the sugared drinks your family is consuming. It is so important that you hydrate your body properly and the best way to do this is by drinking more water. Water not only hydrates the body, it can help the body feel fuller between meals and is a great tool for dieting.

    Find healthy alternatives - If you are overweight, chances are restraint is not your strong point. Therefore it is important to approach your diet and food consumption in a different way. Fried foods will never be healthy, so you are going to have to learn to live without them. Find alternatives that are just as yummy. Flour has very little flavor in it, its the satisfaction of the crunch, texture and salt that most people actually desire. If it were just flour, we'd all be eating it by the bucket full. Find healthier alternatives that have those same properties like celery, lettuce, almonds, whole wheat pita chips are also great, but be careful not to exceed the serving size. Rice, pasta, and potatoes are high in carbohydrates and easy to over eat. To find low carb/high fiber pasta look for Dreamfields Pasta in your grocery store. It is a great alternative to regular pasta, and tastes indistinguishable from the regular kind. If you can't find it in your local grocery store, offers a lot of low carb foods to help you find healthier alternatives to your family's meal plan.

    Get full of it- No diet will work for anyone long term if you don't feel "full" at the end of a meal. Your body is used to excess and it will automatically crave what it is used to. Double up on your veggies, sometimes adding hot sauce or a powerful flavor to something bland will make it more satisfying. It is better to over indulge on veggies, than to over indulge on chocolate cake, or having a fourth slice of pizza. You will have to train yourself to eat these things on regular basis. Your stomach doesn't know the difference between 2 pounds of lettuce or 2 pounds of fettucini. Make it feel full, it will not crave more.

    Exercise- The only exercise that counts is the one you will actually do. You need to exercise every day for at least 30 minutes. Walking is one way to improve your health, and weather permitting one of the most enjoyable ways to get into shape. However, if you rely on just walking you may not do as well as most people will not walk on a regular basis in bad weather. A great alternative and in addition to walking would be to invest in a Nintendo wii fit system. This system will allow you to work out in the privacy of your home, on your time schedule and you won't be as prone to break the routine since there wont be too many excuses for doing so. Wii fit will keep track of your weight, offers a broad range of low impact exercises, including aerobics, strength training, balance improvement, etc.  For residents in Orangeburg, SC,  Edisto Memorial Gardens offers a nice boardwalk throughout the gardens for family walks and is a great way to spend time together. There is a picnic area and also a playground, and tennis court. Orangeburg Country also has Santee State Park to explore as well. Next year Orangeburg, SC will also open its doors to the public with is new Orangeburg Aquatic Park.  Having places to be active instead of just sitting around the house will have the whole family more enthusiastic about getting in shape.

    Commitment- You have to make a solid commitment to this lifestyle for yourself and your family. Go to parks instead of restaurants, bowl instead of watching movies, and always eat at home except on the occasional splurge. If your family craves sweets, visit your local TCBY and order healthy low fat frozen yogurt instead of ice cream. Life is short enough, don't wait until you are hearing bad news from your doctor to love yourself and your family enough to change, it may be too late.

    Get educated- For more information on the great benefits of drinking water and losing weight, read the book BODYCRAFT-
    Creating the Body You Want, While Loving the Body You Have, written by L. Ilizabethe Zelandais. This book offers incredible insights and help for the struggles we all face with our body and minds. makes great low carb pasta that tastes just like regular pasta without the guilt.

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