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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Savory Bok Choy soup

Bok Choy Soup
©2012 Dawn Gagnon Photography

Boy Choy is loaded with health benefits and so easy to prepare. It is an ideal side dish but also a tasty and light soup as well.


  • 1 bunch of Bok Choy chopped
  • 3 cups of low sodium beef stock
  • 1 small onion diced
  • 1 1/2 cups of diced mushrooms
  • 1/2 tablespoon of red pepper flakes
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 3-4 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce
  • 3 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 package of bacon (you can also use diced pancetta) cut into two inch lengths


In one large skillet  saute bacon and drain on a towel leaving a small amount of bacon fat in the pan then saute onion and mushrooms. Cook until onions and mushrooms are tender. While pan is  hotm add beef stock and add all of the remaining ingredients: Bok Choy, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and red pepper flakes. Cover pan and let simmer until Bok Choy is translucent. Serve in bowls and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. This soup tastes great with toasted french bread. Enjoy~

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6 foods you and your family need to eat often

Garlic spinachGarlic spinach (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Many of us have become with Dr. Oz through the years and know that he is always giving us great recipes, advice and information on how to take better care of our bodies. This list is a few things he says we need every day.
  1. Garlic- What's not to love about garlic? In addition to the wonderful flavor it imparts on so many of our favorite dishes, garlic is used the world over for it's medicinal properties. Garlic is a natural antibiotic, fights high cholesterol and high blood pressure, and has cancer fighting abilities as well. 
  2. Tomatoes and/or paste- You want to  aim for at least 10 tablespoons a week.  Beware many commercially prepared sauces have excess preservatives, sugars and additives that you do not need. Ideally the best sauce is the ones that have had the least amount of processing. Look for sauces and pastes that are 100% USDA organic, certified Kosher, and Vegan which means it will be gluten free.
  3. Olive Oil- Olive oil  should be kept in a dark bottle/container in your refrigerator.
    Do not fry foods in Olive oil as the heated oil loses any benefits you may want to gleam from it. Olive oil should be used and treated as a condiment and used to flavor foods that are already cooked or raw. Instead of cooking food in Olive oil, choose another healthy cooking oil.
  4. Spinach- How many ways is spinach healthy, let me count the ways..just be sure you've got nothing better to do for the rest of the day. That's because spinach is considered a super food and with good reason. Here are just a few things to know about spinach and why you should have it as often as possible.  Spinach is full of Flavonoids -- a phytonutrient that has anti-cancer properties.  These phytonutrients have been shown to slow down cell division in the stomach and in skin cancer cells. And for the fellows out there spinach has proven to be a  significant guard against aggressive prostate cancer. The list goes on to show that spinach is helpful with inflammation, lowers blood pressure, eye sight issues related to age like macular degeneration, and cataracts. The high levels of vitamin A also help with all sorts of skin maladies including wrinkles, acne and other things that rob us of our youthful appearance.
  5. Almonds- Always opt for raw unroasted Almonds. Roasted nuts are heat damaged and the nutritive and healthy attributes are thereby damaged. Always keep your raw Almonds and nuts  in the refrigerator to ensure freshness. Almonds are great for your heart, prevention of prostate cancer, blood sugar issues, inflammation, lowering cholesterol, and more.
  6. Pomegranate- Pomegranate juice is a natural source of polyphenols and other antioxidants including tannins and anthocyanidins. These antioxidants guard against the damaging effects of free radicals, unstable molecules that attack cells and may lead to numerous health concerns and premature aging.

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    Friday, August 24, 2012

    Cheesy stuffed zucchini

    ZucchiniZucchini (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    Zucchini is a wonderful go to vegetable for low carb dieters. It's healthy, versatile and can be used in many dishes .

    Makes 4 servings


    • 2 medium sized zucchini
    • 3 diced baby portobello mushrooms
    • 1/4 cup onions chopped
    • 1 tablespoon butter or margarine
    • 3/4 cup cubed herb stuffing mix
    • 1/4 cup of chicken stock
    • 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
    • 1 teaspoon fresh chopped dill weed
    • 1/4 teaspoon salt
    • black pepper
    • Paprika


    Slice zucchini in half lengthwise. Using the tip of a teaspoon, scoop out pulp, leaving a 1/4 -inch shell. Saute zucchini pulp,mushrooms and onion in butter until onions are translucent. Add a few tablespoons of chicken stock and stir in seasoned bread crumbs or herb stuffing mix. Add in cheese, dill, salt and pepper. If the mixture is too dry add a little more chicken stock. You want the consistency of the mix to be such that you can spoon it.
    Place zucchini shells in a shallow 9 x 9 x 2-inch baking dish. Mound stuffing cheese mix in zucchini shells, packing lightly. Add water to dish. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes. Sprinkle tops with paprika.

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    Thursday, August 23, 2012

    Nutrisystem Sodium count per meal/day

    Pasta e fagioli rapidaPasta e fagioli rapida (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    Here is an example of the typical Nutrisystem meal you'd eat in one day and their sodium content totaled
    Breakfast: Harvest Nut bar
    sodium     170 mgs.
    protein shake 120 mgs with Almond milk add 95 mgs.
    Total sodium for breakfast:385 mgs.
    Lunch: Fettucini Alfredo
    sodium     550 mgs.
    Dinner:  Pasta Fagioli soup
    sodium     600 mgs.

    Total sodium for all three meals: 1535 mgs not including desserts, any salt you add or any additional food you eat or drinks you have that contain sodium. If you add condiments like ketchup or sauces that number would be higher. Keep in mind this is just for the selections listed here, other selection in the nutrisystem meals offered may vary.
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    Sunday, July 29, 2012

    Nutrisystem update: Couldn't do it

    English: A chocolate chip granola bar made by ...English: A chocolate chip granola bar made by Quaker Oats. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    I thought I'd be able to make some headway with Nutri system but after a few weeks I  had to give it up. There were just too many unanswered questions and yes you can go online and ask others, or get support but the bottom line is, as much as I would have loved for this to have worked it was just too much trouble. It is no where near as "simple" or "easy" as the ads on television proclaim. Here is what I hated about being on Nutri system:

    1. The food was awful. Yeah- you may hear a lot of people say the food is good, but I'd love to know what food they are used to.  The food just tasted horrible. There were a few things that were ok, but more of the food was lacking than satisfying. The breakfast bars are ok, the desserts are ok. However most of the canned heat in the microwave stuff was no better than anything else you've ever eaten that was processed or dehydrated or?

    2. Hungry, hungry, hungry. I starved. The portions were tiny, adequate for any 4 to 6 year old but for an adult it left me feeling hungry, even with adding a salad here and there. The portions are no larger than your hand.  Lengthwise or depth wise.  Your entree is literally a little white bowl that is oval shaped. I doubt there is more than a 1/2 cup of food in each container. The other reason I was hungry is because there is just not enough meat/protein in this diet.

    3. Food is high in sodium. You'd think with all that salt that is in these prepackaged processed products that they'd at least have some flavor, but you can't even taste the salt, which means you end up adding salt, which in turn means you are really begging for high blood pressure.

    4. Bad labeling, not enough clarity. Ok, its day one, you have the shake and your crummy little packet of cereal. Yippee, sounds simple. However, it gets real confusing when you see an item marked "lunch" and its only a small granola type bar. Seriously? This is it?
    So then dinner rolls around and you have your tiny entree marked "dinner" and  you get a "dessert" which is usually a small granola type bar, or a tiny packet of crackers, or a muffin. Then you read the book and it tells you to add 1 carb this, or 2 proteins of that..its all too confusing, you pay that much for the food and then you have to eat additional foods with it but they don't really make it easy or clear, because then they say if your are more than 100 lbs overweight to add an extra carb to your lunch or dinner.

    So wait...I add one, then if I am really fat I add more? So I am adding more of my own food than what they are supplying and guess what even with all of that confusion at the end of the day I am still hungry because carbs don't fill you up. Why can't you add additional protein?

    After a while you just realize this plan just doesn't make sense. I don't want to spend all day researching online on the Nutri System website what I am doing wrong. I spent a good deal of money on a product that promised ease, results, great flavor and flexibility. What I got was confusion, hunger, and too many variables and food I had to add to the diet plan.
    Why not just eat my own food? It seems it is mainly about portion control any way, and protein control in my book. Great if you want to try out being a vegetarian.

    I can just re-use the tiny containers and put my own food in them. At least I know it would have tasted good. The only things in their program that would be good to have on hand is the protein shakes, granola bars, cookies and muffins, however I suspect you can find similar items to them in the supermarket. The other food they can keep! Those celebrities are lying their butts off if they say this food tastes good. Most of it is not tasty, you only eat it because as I said before YOU'RE STARVING.
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    Sunday, May 20, 2012

    Low carb tuna burgers

    Tuna Fish cuisine of the Mahl people.Tuna Fish cuisine of the Mahl people. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    Makes 4 servings

        1 cup tuna flaked cooked
        2 tablespoons  minced celery                                      
        1 tablespoon sweet pickles chopped or pickle relish            
        1 tablespoon onions minced                                     
        1/2 teaspoon lemon juice fresh or to taste                     
        Freshly ground pepper to taste                                 
        2 to 3 tablespoons mayonnaise real                             
        Butter or margarine                                            
        2 slices of low carb bread or whole wheat high fiber hamburger buns         
        4 slices bacon                                                 
        4 slices American cheese or cheese of your choice              

    Combine fish, celery, sweet pickle or relish, onion, lemon juice, pepper, and enough mayonnaise to moisten. Lightly toast and butter bun or English muffin halves and spread with fish mixture. Cut bacon slices in half and partially fry to remove most of fat. Top each fish mixture with a slice of cheese and 2 bacon strips. Broil 5 inches from heat for 4 minutes or until cheese melts and bacon crisps.
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    Monday, May 14, 2012

    Grapefruit Slushie Recipe

    Grapefruit slushy
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    There are so many health benefits to eating grapefruit. If you're  not having at least a few a week you are really cheating yourself and your diet out of some great benefits. Take a look:

    WARNING: If you are on medication that lowers cholesterol ie: statins, check with your doctor before consuming grapefruit or grapefruit juice. Grapefruit does not mix well with certain statin medications and can have serious health implications if taken together.

    1. Grapefruit is low in calories - One whole grapefruit is only about 80 calories
    2. Grapefruit is low in sodium
    3. High in Potassium
    4. High in Vitamin C
    5. Full of fat burning Enzymes
    6. No fat

    Now that is just a small list, there are some amazing studies that have named Grapefruit as one of the most healthiest fruits you can eat. But for now, here's a simple recipe for a Super healthy Grapefruit slushy, perfect for breakfast, as a snack, or an alternative to dessert. Important note, you'll need a powerful blender for best results. See a product review on Product Dudz about the new Ninja Master Prep Professional Blender. 

    Grapefruit Slushie

    One large grapefruit
    1/4 cup of sweetener, (I recommend using either Stevia in the raw or Truvia)
    25 ice cubes
    This can serve up to four people depending on what size glass you use.

    1. Halve one grapefruit and squeeze juice into blender. Make sure your blender is capable of crushing ice very well. If your blender isn't great at crushing ice, use ice that has already been crushed if you have it on hand.

    2. Once you have juiced the grapefruit, peel and add any remaining pulp to the blender. I never throw away the pulp, its where the fiber is and why waste it. You'll also get any remaining juice from it too.

    3. Pulse. At this stage I like to give the blender a few good pulses to get the juice and remaining pulp pieces well blended.

    4. Add in 1/4 of Stevia in the Raw,  or Truvia. Pulse a few more times to get it mixed in well.

    5. Add in 25 (yes I counted them) 25 ice cubes and begin pulsing until ice has been completely crushed to snow like consistency. The slushy should look pink at this point and be somewhat thick.

    6. Serve.  Pour or scoop into glasses and serve with a straw. You can add a little sprig of mint for garnish.

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    Monday, April 16, 2012

    Broccoli and Cheese soup

    If you love broccoli and cheese you'll love this creamy low carb soup that is great for lunch time in the Spring. Try adding in different cheeses and spices to get a different flavor for your soup.
    This recipe serves about 8. The carb count is around 10 grams per serving.

        1/4 cup onions coarsely chopped                
        1 tablespoon margarine
        3 cups chicken bouillon                       
        2 cups iceberg lettuce chopped                
        1 10-ounce package frozen chopped broccoli  (you can use fresh too)
        1 cup of sharp shredded cheddar cheese        
        1/8 teaspoon black pepper                     
         Seasonings (your choice, see suggestions)

    In a 3-quart saucepan over medium heat, sauté onion in margarine for a few minutes until the onions become translucent and soft.

    Add chicken bouillon, lettuce, broccoli and pepper. Bring to a boil; reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for around 10 minutes or until broccoli is tender.

    Add in shredded cheese and stir until melted.

    Using a blender, take half of your batch and blend at the highest speed on your blender so that soup is pureed. Repeat with the remaining half.
    You may need to reheat this soup once it has been blended.

    Serving suggestions:
    Add your choice of spices and herbs. Goes well with minced parsley, garlic powder, chives, and low carb bread croutons. A dash of red pepper flakes will give it a kick if added while cooking  the broccoli.

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    Monday, March 26, 2012

    Baked zucchini with herbs

    ZucchiniZucchini (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    As society grows ever more health conscious, we are always in the pursuit of healthy side dishes that will be great to eat while on a diet. Zucchini has a mild flavor that can be used in so many ways it is a shame to limit it to one recipe. Try this recipe for a diet friendly side dish or a vegetarian meal.
    Step one:
    On a cookie sheet covered with non stick aluminum foil add two to three tablespoons of low sodium soy sauce and lemon pepper. Sprinkle several tablespoons of fresh or dried parsley and paprika. 
    Step two:
    Take two large zucchinis and cut individual ½ inch round slices and place on cookie sheet. Once cookie sheet is covered, brush zucchini with melted butter and drizzle soy sauce over all zucchini slices. 
    Step three:
    Finish with parsley, paprika, garlic powder,salt and lemon pepper on the top of zucchini and bake in preheated oven at 400 F degrees for around 25 minutes. Start checking around 20 minutes.

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    Monday, February 27, 2012

    Healthy Homemade Lemonade

    Home made lemonade
    Fresh squeezed Lemonade  photo by Dawn Gagnon

    If you are frustrated with the limited drinking options out there for dieters, or if you just want healthy alternatives to sugar laden juices, and sodas, homemade Lemonade is the ticket. Why? Well in recent years a lot of publications have come out about the health benefits of Lemon water. Try this beverage hot as well for optimal benefits but do not heat it up in the microwave as this changes the chemical properties of the Lemon and it's benefits.

    Here are a list of the reported benefits:

    Aids in digestion-
    When mixed with hot water. Ailments such as heartburn, intestinal parasites,nausea, bloating, and belching can all be relieved with regular consumption of lemon water.

    Blood purifiying-
    Lemon juice acts as a purifier and internal cleansing agent for the whole body. Including assisting your liver in the production of more bile. It is also reported to help in the prevention of both gall stones and kidney stones.
    Tooth ache- Rubbing lemon juice on the tooth helps rid the tooth of the pain. Using lemon juice on the gums helps with gum bleeding as well.

    Great for weight loss-
    Lemon juice is high in Vitamin C, Vitamin C is an important factor in assisting the body in regulating insulin levels.  It has been suggested that  people who consume enough Vitamin C are able to oxidize up to 30 percent more fat during moderate work outs. For best results drink Lemon juice with warm to hot water. It is a mild diuretic that helps detoxify the body. You can also add lemon juice to a cup of good quality green tea for even more added health benefits.

    How to make homemade sugar free Lemonade:
    Use one lemon per 12 ounce glass, cut in half and squeeze both sides into your glass add your choice of sweetener, ice and water and stir. Enjoy~
    Truvia is also a good sweetener to try for individual glasses. I like Stevia in lemonade because the lemon juice overcomes the slightly bitter aftertaste of Stevia. :) Try any natural sweetener you like.

    ***One word of caution, check with your doctor if you take certain types of high blood pressure medicines to make sure it is ok to have citrus juice.  Just to be on the safe side. :)
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    Wednesday, June 29, 2011

    How to make your own sugar free flavored yogurt

    A cup of Kirkland Signature California strawbe...Image via WikipediaIf you have been following the news lately, you have seen the reports that state that adding low fat yogurt to your diet can not only help you lose weight, but also speed up the fat burning process in your body, specifically in the belly region, which is where the most dangerous of body fat is located.
    Now, if you have been shopping around in the grocery store looking for low fat, sugar free or low sugar yogurt you may have been disappointed in the selection. Here's a better way to get your yogurt diet fix and enjoy a sweet treat.

    Purchase plain fat free yogurt, such as the Daisy brand, and try these sugar free suggestions to add to make your yogurt sweet
    and every bit as good as the ones with sugar in them.

    Add to one serving of plain fat free yogurt:

    Suggestion 1
    Crystal Light On the Go Sugar free drink mixes
    1/2 packet of sugar free Crystal light on the go drink mix- These little packets pack a lot of flavor, have no fat,sugar/carbs and only 5 calories per packet. You're only using 1/2 a packet so 2.5 calories are
    all that you are adding to this recipe. Not to mention it has 100 % of your daily requirement of vitamin C. The flavors available are: Classic Orange, Raspberry ice, and Raspberry Lemonade to name a few.
    Suggestion  2
    Hershey's Sugar Free Chocolate or Strawberry flavored Syrup
    Got a chocolate craving? Try Hershey's Sugar-Free Syrup, add this to your plain fat free yogurt and you will only be adding 5 carbs per serving to your yogurt and a mere 15 calories extra. Did I mention this product
    is fat free as well? Oh, and did I mention it also comes in Strawberry flavor?
    Suggestion  3
    Maxwell House International Coffee Decaf Sugar Free French Vanilla Café
    Adding a little of this to your plain fat free yogurt will give it a wonderful flavor and if you use half the recommended dosage you only add 25 calories to the yogurt.
    Suggestion 4
    Nuts for nuts?
    Give these and other ideas a try including
    things like a table spoon or two of almond slivers, crushed walnuts etc. and you will wonder why you haven't thought of this sooner.
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    Monday, June 20, 2011

    Low Carb Broccoli Casserole

    Image via Wikipedia

    Studies show that broccoli may help in the pre...

    Number of servings about 5


    ½ cup of chopped Portabello mushrooms
    2 tablespoons finely diced onion
    ½ cup of diced red and green bell pepper
    1 10 ounce package broccoli
    2 eggs beaten
    1/2 cup mayonnaise
    1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
    2 tablespoons of Soy sauce
    salt and pepper to taste

    How To Prepare: 
    Cook broccoli by boiling in salted water or steaming if you have a steam basket. Once cooked strain thoroughly in a colander.
    Mix broccoli with the diced mushrooms,beaten eggs, bell peppers, and onion, mayonnaise's,soy sauce and shredded cheddar cheese.
    Place entire mixture into a greased casserole dish and bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes
    Suggested add ins: cooked bacon pieces, and top casserole with additional shredded cheese.
    You can also use low carb seasoned bread crumbs mixed with butter and Parmesan cheese over the top of this casserole as a topping.
    You can substitute mayonnaise with sour cream or cream of mushroom soup if you don't like mayonnaise.

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