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Showing posts with label weighing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weighing. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Weight loss update: Holding steady Plateau number 2

English: Old Weighing scale
English: Old Weighing scale (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Is a plateau a bad thing?

Ok so I'm between 110 lbs down or 105 lbs down depending on what time of day I get on the scale, but one thing is for sure and that is this is my plateau battle for the second time. It's definitely been slowing down, but here's the good news and I hope you find it as a good way of looking at it too. Plateaus are frustrating yes, but they also have their place in the plate is half full world, and that is that it means, over a period of time that you are maintaining your weight loss. You may not be dropping them lbs like before, but alas you're not putting the weight back on and in the big scheme of things, this is by far more important.

Weight fluctuations: Don't Panic

A few pounds here and there, back and forth are just normal with the human body and I defy anyone to say it isn't. Especially for women, since we have lovely hormonal fluctuations that cause us to retain water, crave sweets or salty things and in my case the added "joy" of  Hypothyroidism, which doesn't lend itself well to any sufferers weigh loss endeavors. So if you find it fluctuates a little from time to time, do not have a melt down, do not let it feel like defeat, but let it be a reminder that things can go back to the way they were if you aren't careful. The fact that you catch a 3 lb difference in your weight suggests that you're doing the right thing. Many times abandoning weighing on the scale is the first step back on the road of weight gain, and its a fast trip on what can be a very short road.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

To weigh every day or not to weigh every day, the final conclusion

One thing that I have been adamant about on this weight loss journey is NOT weighing yourself every day during your diet. However, there does come a point where I have to change sides on this issue and here's my reasoning. In the beginning of your journey to become healthier, weight loss can be touch and go. You're struggling with a new lifestyle and you're still learning about making better choices in food selection, preparation and so on. So during your initial diet phase 1 as I call it, you are just getting started and it may be two steps forward one step back with regards to weight loss. Even diet experts need time to assemble a game plan and a course of action best suited to their client. That being said, I'd have to say getting on your scale every day is probably not too advantageous. What I'd suggest is every few days, or perhaps, once a week. That way you wont torture yourself with temporary highs and lows we all go through while we're figuring out what is doable and what isn't.

 Now lets fast forward. Let's say you dug in and you're halfway to your goal weight loss total or even very close, do you still weigh once a week? How about if you've met your goal? I can't speak for everyone involved but personally I say I have lost so far 110 lbs. and my goal is as yet undetermined. One thing I am doing is weighing every day. Yes. Why? Because at this stage in my journey, the last thing I want to do is take my eye off the ball when I am close to reaching my goals. I know all too well that the minute you stop paying attention to your weight, the minute you stop wearing those snug pants and change them out for most likely the minute you're going back to losing control over your body again. This is not where you want to be, not where you want to go.

So yes, when you get close to your goal in your lifestyle change it's time to not sabotage your efforts, but to keep a close eye. Let's face it, avoiding the scale, and buying stretchy pants is what gets us in trouble..that and all the lovely indulgences we tell ourselves we can have "just one of" and it won't hurt. So that is my thoughts based on my personal experiences. This is not my first rodeo at weight loss, the first low carb diet I followed, I lost 60 pounds and kept it off for over a year. Somewhere along that journey I stopped weighing, stopped wearing my skinny clothes and found myself eventually ballooning back up to over 300 lbs.

With all that being said, I'm going to stick with this philosophy. If someone differs in this opinion, that is fine, but one thing is for certain, the scale doesn't lie. My scale is my best friend now. I have conquered my fear, this friend tells me when I'm slipping before I get out of hand, and keeps me on the straight and narrow. For those struggling, it's not failing that makes us failures..its quitting that makes us failures. Keep on, fight the good fight..good luck!!

For more on why it is good to weigh yourself regularly check out this article as well which supports what I believe as well:

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